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New Journeys Model

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New Journeys is a person-centered evidence-based treatment model for individuals experiencing a first-episode of psychosis. The program started in Yakima county in Washington state and has since expanded across the state with many more programs being implemented every year. A full list of current programs can be found on the Locations page.

Those who are eligible for the program and choose to participate are offered wrap around services including evidence-based psychotherapy, supported employment and education, family education, and medication management. Many of our programs also offer peer support and case management.

The shared-decision making of this program allow for the individual and the clinician to work together to set goals and create structure with which to achieve those goals. New Journeys believes that it is just as important to build the strengths of an individual to increase resiliency as it is to work to reduce the negative experiences of psychosis.

The goal of New Journeys is that upon graduation an individual is not only in the 'recovery' phase of psychosis, but are confident in their ability to live a fulfilling life.

Components of New Journeys



Individuals work with a licensed therapist to identify personal strengths, learn about psychosis, and develop coping mechanisms

Make a Referral

New Journeys is for youth and adults between the ages of 15 to 40 years old. The person should have experienced psychotic symptoms for more than or equal to 1 week and less than or equal to 2 years. If this describes you or a loved one, and you need assistance finding care in Washington State, please complete the form below and staff will direct your inquiries to your nearest New Journeys provider.

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