What is Cultural Respect?
Culture includes elements such as personal information, language, customs, values, and actions. It also often involves elements specific to race, ethnicity, religion, social groups, and geographical location. In healthcare these elements have the ability to influence a consumers beliefs about health illness, wellness, and the delivery of health services.
Cultural respect is often times referred to as cultural competency or cultural sensitivity.
Cultural respect enables providers to deliver care and services that are respectful of and responsive to the needs of diverse consumers.
Why is Cultural Respect Important
"Providing cultural sensitive/competent care is a bridge to a deeper level of understanding for providers which informs treatment for New Journeys consumers."
​Kyle Payne, BA, CAAR
Supported Employment & Education Specialist
Valley Cities Behavioral Health Care
DSM-5 Cultural Formulation Interview

Image retrieved from https://nyculturalcompetence.org/using-the-dsm-5-cultural-formulation-interview-cfi-online-training-module/
The DSM-5 Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI) (APA, 2013) is a 16-question interview guide to help behavioral health providers better understand the way service users and their social networks (e.g., families, friends) understand what is happening to them and why, their prior experiences with care, and the types of supports they feel would be helpful. To date, thousands of clinicians and other behavioral health providers around the world are utilizing the CFI to have open, empathic, and judgement-free conversations with service users about their views and experiences, with the goal of improving their engagement in services, the quality of treatment and service delivery, and recovery outcomes.
Learn More
If you are interested in learning how to utilize the CFI with your clients, you can register to complete the 50-minute online training module delivered by experts from the Center of Excellence for Cultural Competence by clicking here. You can also read the treatment improvement protocol on improving cultural competence by clicking the manual below. An in depth look at cultural respect for the LGBTQ+ community is available in the Advancing Effective Communication, Cultural Competence, and Patient- and Family Centered Care for the Lesbian, Gay Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Community field guide, also available below.